The Story When

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The Boy Scout Who Escaped Death

The streets in the area where I live and work are all named after boy scouts that died in a plane crash. Scout Rallos Street; Scout Fuentabella Street; Scout Limbaga Street; Scout Borromeo Street; and so on. Twenty-four streets named after the 24 scouts who died when their plane crashed on their way to the 11th World Scout Jamboree in Marathon, Greece, in 1963.

The author's Tito Nery, who could have had one of the "Scout" streets named after him had he made it to that fateful trip.

My grandparents used to tell me that there would have been a Scout Dionisio Street, but my Tito Neri was not allowed to go. My grandmother had insisted he stay and he was very unhappy about it. The reason was that he was sick or that she just had this feeling that he just shouldn't go.

My uncle never told me the story himself, but there are times he would mention how he knew Dr. Lazcano or that some of the streets were dear dear friends of his. As a family, we are constantly reminded by the monument that was built to honor the boy scouts and by the street names that we are lucky to still have my uncle.

He later became president of our family company, had children (my cousins), and grandchildren. He's a wonderful man and it's hard to imagine a our world without him. My grandmother had amazing intuition. There are other stories about her having such a gift, but this one story about her intuition saved her son's life.